The Lure of the Basilisk (The Lords of Dus)

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The Lure of the Basilisk (The Lords of Dus)

The overman named Garth sought immortal fame. The oracle told him to serve the Forgotten King to get that fame.

But this King sent Garth after a basilisk whose gaze could turn men to stone. What sane use could anyone have for a monster like that?

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Captain Future: Captain Future in Love

a modern adaptation of captain future the hero created by Edmond Hamilton 


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The Skylark of Space

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It is the autumn of 1880, and Dr John Watson has just returned from Afghanistan. Badly injured and desperate to forget a nightmarish expedition that left him doubting his sanity, Watson is close to destitution when he meets the extraordinary Sherlock Holmes, who is investigating a series of deaths in the Shadwell district of London.

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Moreover, there are disturbing reports of creeping shadows that inspire dread in any who stray too close. Holmes deduces a connection between the deaths and a sinister drug lord who is seeking to expand his criminal empire.

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complete planet of adventures (Tschai) by Jack Vance

complete planet of adventures (Tschai) by Jack Vance
Receptions: ,

The four Planet of Adventure volumes chronicle Adam Reith’s saga on the planet Tschai, under the amber glow of the star Carina 4269. Reith is a Terran first-in scout stranded on a planet which he learns is now occupied, after an ancient struggle which has come to a standstill, by three technically advanced cultures who now guardedly share the surface while the original inhabitants- the mysterious Pnume- dwell in subterranean depths. On Tschai, Reith discovers to his surprise (and disgust) Earth-derived humans whom the three off-world cultures imported long ago, who have undergone physical and perceptual modifications to closely mimic their masters. The enslaved humans retain however that most human of traits- ruthless self-interest.

In The Chasch, Reith encounters a handful of free humans ranging the face of Tschai, and begins his quest to secure a space-worthy craft with which to return to Earth. Resourcefulness is Reith’s byword as his odyssey takes him among the domains of aliens, humans, and their various collateral societies.

In the final book of the omnibus, Vance introduces the Pnume, one of his most enigmatic and incomprehensible creations. Forced to live in the depths of Tschai by the long-ago surface struggle between the invading aliens, the Pnume have occupied themselves within an eternal obsession for collecting and preserving Tschai’s historical oddities. Reith is horrified to discover that they seek to exhibit him in their Museum of Foreverness.

Jack Vance is at his best as he introduces the cultures and beings who make up the chaotic population of this ancient planet. Reith’s path to return to Earth is thorny and fraught with constant threats. His epic tale is a masterpiece of story-telling.

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Tales of the Time Scouts (Time Scout – Collection Book 1)

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When an experiment on an orbiting space station went wrong—bad wrong—ripples in time washed over the Earth bringing global disaster. The survivors, beginning to rebuild, learned that they were now able to travel into the past, utilizing the remnant time strings. But first, the time strings had to be mapped.

That was the job of the brave pioneers known as time scouts. Their occupation was only slightly less dangerous than front line combat, and when it was discovered that a time traveler who wasn’t extremely careful could zap himself out of existence, elaborate rules to prevent that evolved, and it was the job of the time scouts to enforce them.

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Wagers of Sin:

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It is 1801 and President Thomas Jefferson has assembled a deep-water navy to fight the growing threat of piracy, as American civilians are regularly kidnapped by Islamist brigands and held for ransom, enslaved, or killed, all at their captors’ whim. The Berber States of North Africa, especially Tripoli, claimed their faith gave them the right to pillage anyone who did not submit to their religion.

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Fractions: The First Half of The Fall Revolution

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