Sailing Against the Tides of Hell!
The time is 1640 AD. The Age of Pirates.
Angus “Bloody Red” Buchanan, infamous in the West Indies, sets sail across the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean and the island of Madagascar in search of new plunder and loot. With him on his Spanish galleon, the Raven, is his first mate and closest friend, Mose Cooper, an educated runaway slave from the American colony of Louisiana. Sailing alongside them aboard her own ship, the Witch of the Indies, is Buchanan’s partner and the love of his life, fiery Katherine O’Toole—Crimson Kate.
During their voyage they will encounter the spawn of the Deep Ones on the Isle of Shadow, confront an ancient ship of zombie sailors, do battle with French, Dutch, and Arab corsairs, and tangle with a 1000-year-old Persian sorcerer who serves Dagon, the Philistine god of the sea. Man-eating phantoms, a beautiful demoness, assorted devils, dinosaurs, and creatures from the bowels of Hell will all threaten these crews before their tale is done and told.
There’s plenty of action, romance, betrayal, humor, drama, and tragedy to be had on this venture—as well sword-play, dark sorcery, and violent battles at sea. Wade hip-deep in the blood and brine with Buchanan and his mates toward the final confrontation with the Undying Wizard.
Here’s a rousing, high-seas adventure of pirates, swords, sorcery, and the supernatural in the tradition of Robert E. Howard, with a touch of H.P. Lovecraft to spice up the rum. So climb aboard as “Bloody Red” Buchanan, Big Mose Cooper, and Crimson Kate set sail upon the Waters of Darkness.
“The characterization of the protagonists and antagonists are what sets Waters of Darkness apart. A startling story development three-quarters of the way through the book left me certain a supernatural cheat was headed by the end of the story, but the authors chose to avoid a clichéd ending and instead play fair with readers. . . Any book this good that doesn’t follow the formula note for note is really exceptional and worthy of closer scrutiny.” — William Patrick Maynard, Black Gate Online Magazine.
“Smith and Bonadonna have truly captured the feel of the pirate life in terms of their skill at using language and jargon of pirates and their knowledge of the time period in which this tale takes place. What they have brought to the page is truly impressive. The adventure combines pirate lore, with high fantasy, vengeance, horror, demonic adversaries and imaginative beasts, to give you a hell of a ride. The vision created in the readers mind will stay well after this story has ended.” — Jeanne E. Rogers, author of the award-winning, The Sword of Demelza.