Strange Company

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Dogs of War classic stories of men and machines at arms

Military authors have entered the mainstream science fiction genre and continue to leave their mark. David Drake pays homage to his own sub-genre by collecting ten classic stories of men-at-arms by top writers including himself.

Better to Beg Forgiveness (Freehold Series – Ripple Creek)

THEY WERE THE TOUGHEST, DEADLIEST MERCENARIES IN THAT PART OF THE GALAXY... AND THEY'D BEEN DOUBLE-CROSSED! Celadon, a poor nation on a poor planet, engaged in civil war and a haven for every type of villainy in space, is ripe Read more

Strange Company

Stack bodies, get paid, get to the ship.

“If you can survive Reaper Platoon in the Strange, then Ghost or Dog Platoons will get you for their own. Best to steer clear of the freaks in Voodoo, kid.”

Surrounded and outgunned, a group of private military contractors known as “Strange Company” find themselves on a remote planet at the edge of known space, and on the losing end of a bad contract. Orbital D-beam strikes, dropships bristling with auto-guns, missiles, and troops – even Monarch space marines in state-of-the-art advanced battle rattle – will try to prevent the company from reaching the exfil LZ and getting off-world.

For Strange, that means it’s time to hang tough and get it on with as much hyper-kinetic violence as they can muster to get clear of the whole mess. And what the Strange can’t get done by violent assault and crazy firefights, they’ll get done by the freaks of Voodoo Platoon – operators who have been changed by the Dark Labs into powerful and unnervingly unnatural asymmetrical weapons.

This is the Strange Company. Because in the Strange, it’s always really Strange. Join them – and get ready for full auto combat at the furthest limits of human exploration.

Cain at Gettysburg (The Battle Hymn Cycle)

Cain at Gettysburg (The Battle Hymn Cycle)

Winner of the American Library Association’s W. Y. Boyd Award for Excellence in Military Fiction

Two mighty armies blunder toward each other, one led by confident, beloved Robert E. Lee and the other by dour George Meade. They’ll meet in a Pennsylvania crossroads town where no one planned to fight.

In this sweeping, savagely realistic novel, the greatest battle ever fought on American soil explodes into life at Gettysburg. As generals squabble, staffs err. Tragedy unfolds for immigrants in blue and barefoot Rebels alike. The fate of our nation will be decided in a few square miles of fields.

Following a tough Confederate sergeant from the Blue Ridge, a bitter Irish survivor of the Great Famine, a German political refugee, and gun crews in blue and gray, Cain at Gettysburg is as grand in scale as its depictions of combat are unflinching.

For three days, battle rages. Through it all, James Longstreet is haunted by a vision of war that leads to a fateful feud with Robert E. Lee. Scheming Dan Sickles nearly destroys his own army. Gallant John Reynolds and obstreperous Win Hancock, fiery William Barksdale and dashing James Johnston Pettigrew, gallop toward their fates….

There are no marble statues on this battlefield, only men of flesh and blood, imperfect and courageous. From New York Times bestselling author and former U.S. Army officer Ralph Peters, Cain at Gettysburg is bound to become a classic of men at war.

The War After Armageddon

The War After Armageddon

Shocking scenes of battle…unforgettable soldiers…heartbreaking betrayals…. In this stunning, fast-paced novel, a ruthless future war unfolds in a 21st century nightmare: Los Angeles is a radioactive ruin; Europe lies bleeding; and Israel has been destroyed…with millions slaughtered. A furious America fights to reclaim the devastated Holy Land.

The Marines storm ashore; the U.S. Army does battle in a Biblical landscape. Hi-tech weaponry is useless and primitive hatreds flare. Lt. Gen. Gary “Flintlock” Harris and his courageous warriors struggle for America’s survival–with ruthless enemies to their front and treachery at their rear. Islamist fanatics, crusading Christians, and unscrupulous politicians open the door to genocide.

The War After Armageddon thrusts the reader into a terrifying future in which all that remains is the horror of war–and the inspiration of individual heroism. A master at bringing to life “the eternal soldier,” Ralph Peters tells a riveting tale that honors those Americans who fight and sacrifice all for a dream of freedom.

Red Army by Ralph Peters

Red Army by Ralph Peters

Red Army is unique among military fiction published in the US during the 1980s, as it presented the material exclusively from the perspective of officers and men in the Soviet Army written by US Army intelligence analyst Ralph Peters

Soldiers with the Group of Soviet Forces in East Germany prepare to launch an invasion of West Germany. Soviet General Mikhail Malinsky, commander of the First Western Front, discusses the upcoming invasion with other Soviet leaders.

The plans call for a simultaneous thrust on three fronts: across the North German Plain, through the Fulda Gap, and across Bavaria. NATO commanders are to be bluffed into thinking the main assault will come at the Fulda Gap, but the main effort will be on the North German Plain, led by Malinsky. Airborne forces will be dropped deep into West Germany to disrupt the NATO rearguard



Best-selling alternate history master Robert Conroy returns to World War II, this time for a dangerous last stand of the Nazis in the heart of the Alps.


Deep in the heart of Europe’s Alps in the redoubt called Germanica, Nazi propaganda master Josef Goebbels and a battalion of Nazi zealots hold out against a frantic final Allied push to end World War II. With Churchill losing his election, De Gaulle consolidating his rule over a newly liberated France, and Stalin asserting his own nefarious land-grab in Eastern Germany, only America, led by its untried new president Harry Truman, remains to face the toughest of Nazi warriors as they hunker down for a bitter fight to the last man.

Goebbels knows that if he can hold out just a bit longer, the war weary of the Western nations will back away from unconditional surrender for Germany, and he and his zealots can remain in power never to answer for their war crimes, and able to prepare for the moment when their hateful Nazi ideology is ready once again to rise from its alpine grave and strike at the heart of humanity!

But there are Americans and a few stalwart Europeans just as determined to put a final stake in the Nazi heart. It is now up to heroes in the making such as newly minted O.S.S. operative Ernie Janek, commando Captain Scott Tanner, and formerly enslaved Czech “Jew” Lena Bobek, to bring down the dark Nazi menace growing like a cancer in the mountainous heart of the continent.

About Germanica:
“[A] new and intriguing novel that takes the final days of the Third Reich as its jumping-off point. . . . Conroy captures the intricacies of WWII with an eye for historical nuance, and he crafts a believable alternate ending to the war. . . . [T]he story is buoyed by Conroy’s effective snapshot of the era.”—Publishers Weekly

About Robert Conroy’s Rising Sun:
“Conroy extrapolates a new and militarily plausible direction for WWII . . . A thrilling adventure.”—Booklist

Himmler’s War

Best-selling author Robert Conroy has earned considerable critical acclaim and favorable comparisons to fellow speculative history maven Harry Turtledove.

In the days after the Allies’ landing at Normandy, Adolf Hitler is removed from his position atop the Third Reich, and SS chief Heinrich Himmler assumes control. Meanwhile, the Allies begin grappling with competing solutions for bringing the war to an end. But with a second wind – and a potentially devastating secret super-weapon – the German war machine is primed for a final assault.

Days of Infamy: A Novel of Alternate History

Days of Infamy: A Novel of Alternate History
MainCategories: ,

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched an attack against U.S. naval forces stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. But what if the Japanese followed up their air assault with an invasion and occupation of Hawaii? This is the question explored by Harry Turtledove in Days of Infamy, with frightening implications.

With American military forces subjugated and civilians living in fear of their conquerors, there is no one to stop the Japanese from using the islands’ resources to launch an offensive against America’s western coast.

In the Balance (Worldwar Series 1) alternate history

this amazon serie consist of the original tetralogy plus Homeward Bound as book 5 however between the two there is the Colonization trilogy starting with second contact

Suppose Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, Hitler, and Hirohito had united to conquer an even greater foe?

With his epic novels of alternate history, Harry Turtledove shares a stunning vision of what might have been–and what might still be–if one moment in history were changed. In the WorldWar and Colonization series, an ancient, highly advanced alien species found itself locked in a bitter struggle with a distant, rebellious planet–Earth. For those defending the Earth, this all-out war for survival supercharged human technology, made friends of foes, and turned allies into bitter enemies.

No one could top their power—not the Germans, not the Japanese, not the Russians, not the United States.
From Pearl Harbor to panzers rolling through Paris to the Siege of Leningrad and the Battle of Midway, war seethed across the planet as flames of destruction rose higher and hotter.
And then, suddenly, the real enemy came.
The invaders seemed unstoppable, their technology far beyond human reach. And never before had men been more divided. For Jew to unite with Nazi, American with Japanese, and Russian with German was unthinkable.
But the alternative was even worse.
As the fate of the world hung in the balance, slowly, painfully, humankind took up the shocking challenge. . . .

Mann’s Marauders : A Planet Too Far

In the last days of Earth, Mega-Corporations controlled the bulk of the planet, becoming governments unto themselves. After they depleted Earth’s resources and destroyed the environment, the survivors had to abandon Earth. Then it was time to search out new planets to exploit. With little to no regard for the inhabitants, no one could stop the corporations from taking what they wanted.
Formed by survivors, cast-offs, and refugees of these planets to push back against corporate exploitation, Mann’s Marauders was united under one banner by Dietrich Mann. This mercenary team began by fighting on land with troops and Grav-tanks, then grew to include starships and heavy fighters.
When corporations threaten your planet, you need Mann’s Marauders.

SGT. THOR the Bold: A Military Fantasy Adventure

SGT. THOR the Bold: A Military Fantasy Adventure

spinoff from the Forgotten Ruin series

One Ranger Leads the Way

A U.S. Army Ranger sniper finds himself on his own and on the move far downrange and beyond the wire in an epic fantasy world filled with deadly monsters and dangerous foes in a total battle royale for glory, hoard… and flat-out survival.

Adrift on the Sea of Riddles and lost in a dangerous world of epic fables, Sgt. Thor and his anti-materiel sniper rifle, Mjölnir, must survive brutal pirates, darkest sorcery, and a catastrophic shipwreck on a strange island steeped in arcane mystery and containing the remains of a lost civilization guarding an ancient artifact of great and terrible power.

Grim enemies and intrigue abound…

In order to defeat a Pirate Necromancer and his army from the east seeking to manipulate a battle between the warring Fates, this elite tip-of-the-spear warrior must use his modern warfighter skills and battle-tested leadership to forge an unlikely savage fighting force to pit against heavily armed enemies all too real, and for some… far more fantastic than the myths and epics of a long-ago past.

In a dangerous fantasy world one man must move farther, faster, and fight harder than foes seeking to kill him with might, magic, treachery and by whatever means possible. But U.S. Army Rangers don’t die easily.

Swords and Sorcery meet Modern Warfare in this epic fantasy world both familiar and new.

Find your edge… follow the bloody path blazed by Sergeant Thor!