A brand new (mars 2024) Grimdark novella collaboration between Anna Smith Spark and Michael R. Fletcher The third best assassin. A second rate mercenary crew. One terrifying demon. As Sharaam crumbles under siege, a mercenary crew hires an assassin to Read more
This first adventure in a dark fantasy series follows the war between the warriors of Fellein and the mythical people of the Blasted Lands, who worship 7 gods of war . . . Captain Merros Dulver is the first in Read more
A nameless undead awakens in an ancient crypt, and thus does the journey begin. Drawn mysteriously toward the horizon, he ventures into a land of perils beyond death. A once shining kingdom has been fractured, and mindless Hollows prowl the dark corners. To see it united and restored, the old king must be freed by his get-the youth Balarion. The undead and his companions, surviving champions of the halcyon era, accompany Balarion on this journey to release his father, battling foes both monstrous and clever. Yet it is not their enemies that give them doubt, it is their quest. Can a world so troubled truly be set right again, or is it fated to vanish into the dark?