Echoes of the Great Song

Part of the stones of powers/sipstrassi serie, in order of publication :
Ghost King (2 books)
Wolf In Shadow (3 books)
Hawk Queen (2 books)
Part of the stones of powers/sipstrassi serie, in order of publication :
Ghost King (2 books)
Wolf In Shadow (3 books)
Hawk Queen (2 books)
The peaceful Eldarin were the last of three ancient races. The mystical Oltor, healers and poets, had fallen before the dread power of the cruel and sadistic Daroth. Yet in one awesome night the invincible Daroth had vanished from the face of the earth. Gone were their cities, their armies, their terror. The Great Northern Desert was their only legacy. Not a trace remained for a thousand years… The War of the Pearl had raged for seven years and the armies of the four Duchies were exhausted and weary of bloodshed.
But the foremost of the Dukes, Sirano of Romark, possessed the Eldarin Pearl and was determined to unravel its secrets. Then, on one unforgetable day, a dark moon rose above the Great Northern Desert, and a black tidal wave swept across the land. In moments the desert had vanished beneath lush fields and forests and a great city could be seen glittering in the morning sunlight. From this city re-emerged the blood-hungry Daroth, powerful and immortal, immune to spear and sword. They had only one desire: to rid the world of humankind for ever.
Now the fate of the human race rests on the talents of three heroes: Karis, warrior-woman and strategist; Tarantio, the deadliest swordsman of the age; and Duvodas the Healer, who will learn a terrible truth. A new world of myth and magic, love and heroism, from the bestselling author of The Legend of Deathwalker. From the Paperback edition.
Fierce and proud, the Rigante dwell deep in the green mountain lands, worshiping the gods of air and water, and the spirits of the earth. Among them lives a warrior who bears the mark of fate. Born of the storm that slew his father, he is Connavar, and tales of his courage spread like wildfire.
The Seidh–a magical race as old as time–take note of the young warrior and cast a malignant shadow across his life. For soon a merciless army will cross the water, destroying forever the timeless rhythms of life among the Rigante. Swearing to protect his people, Connavar embarks on a quest that will take him into the heart of the enemy.
Along the way, he receives a gift: a sword as powerful and deadly as the Seidh who forged it. Thus he receives a name that will strike fear into the hearts of friend and foe alike–a name proclaiming a glorious and bitter destiny . . . Demonblade.
Part of the stones of powers/sipstrassi serie, in order of publication :
Ghost King (2 books)
Wolf In Shadow (3 books)
Hawk Queen (2 books)