Critical Failures (Caverns and Creatures Book 1)

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Orconomics: A Satire (The Dark Profit Saga)

A disgraced Dwarven hero. A band of deadbeat adventurers. His last shot at redemption could get him killed. If Gorm Ingerson really wanted to drink himself to death, he never should have helped the Goblin. When his good deed lands Read more

Critical Failures (Caverns and Creatures Book 1)

What if you and your friends got to live the game for real? What if you and your friends were assholes? After relentlessly mocking their strange new Game Master, Tim and his friends find themselves trapped in the bodies of their fantasy game characters, in a world where the swords, the magic, and the gastrointestinal issues are all too real.

They learn hard lessons about tolerance and teamwork, and a new meaning for the term “dump stat”. Ha ha. Just kidding. They don’t learn shit. Never before have comedy and fantasy come together so much like a train wreck, in which each train was carrying a shipment of burning dumpsters.

You just can’t help but continue to stare. Don’t be the last of your circle of nerds to read this book. Shake the Dorito crumbs out of your neck beard, grab your large sack, and prepare to enter the world of Caverns & Creatures. Get it NOW!

The Drop of a Hat: A Humorous High Fantasy (Hat Trick Book 1)

The Drop of a Hat: A Humorous High Fantasy (Hat Trick Book 1)

A powerful wizard and a lowly kobold experience a magical meeting of the minds in the first book of a comedic fantasy-adventure for fans of Terry Pratchett.

Absalom Scryne, the greatest wizard of his generation, has been murdered. There’s no other explanation for why his consciousness now resides in his well-worn but perfectly pointed hat.

Well, he isn’t going to take that lying down . . . or hanging from a branch, as the case may be. Instead, he’ll hop on the head of the first foul-smelling kobold that comes along and convince it that it’s in everyone’s best interests for them to undertake the epic journey through the Badlands—past horny necromancers, rustic werewolves, and rampaging ogres—back to the shining city of magic at the heart of civilization, where he will promptly kick the backside of whoever it was that finally managed to stab him in the back.

Assuming, that is, he can teach a kobold how to use magic, survive all the roaming adventurers who consider a kobold to be a very minor payday, and prevent anyone else from claiming the wealth of arcane knowledge that is now bound within the rather handsome piece of haberdashery that he has become.

The Dungeoneers

The Dungeoneers

After five years as a city guard, Durham’s horizontal career trajectory adds a corkscrew when a misdelivered order assigns him to caravan duty for an eclectic group of Dwarves who hire themselves out as professional dungeoneers.
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NPCs (Spells, Swords, Stealth Book 1)

NPCs (Spells, Swords, Stealth Book 1)

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tropes: ,

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Orconomics: A Satire (The Dark Profit Saga)

Orconomics: A Satire (The Dark Profit Saga)

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Orconomics: A Satire is the first book in The Dark Profit Saga, a trilogy so funny it’s epic. If you like down-and-out heroes, sidesplitting misadventures, and ingenious world-building, then you’ll love J. Zachary Pike’s dark and delightful ribbing of high fantasy.

Buy Orconomics to join the campaign for a high-energy, hilarious fantasy adventure today!

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How to Pick Up Women with a Drunk Space Ninja (The Adventures of Duke LaGrange Book 1)

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