The year is 1797. Napoleon Buonaparte is racking up impressive wins in the field against the enemies of revolutionary France, while on the seas England is putting up a staunch resistance. Twenty-five-year-old Charles Edgemont is second lieutenant aboard the British Read more
The King is Dead. Long Live the People Mareth is a bard, a serial under achiever, a professional drunk, and general disappointment to his father. Despite this, Mareth has one thing going for him. He can smell opportunity. The King Read more

This collection launched the popular and long-running “The Year’s Best Science Fiction” series:
Fantastic Science Fiction!
The Year’s Best — And Biggest Collection
Here’s the cream of the crop: short stories, novelettes, novellas by science fiction writers already famous and awarded for their high-quality work in science fiction. Writers like:
Poul Anderson
Joe Haldeman
Tanith Lee
George R.R. Martin
Robert Silverberg
James Tiptree, Jr.
Vernor Vinge
Gene Wolfe
Plus writers who are newer to the field, but just as excellent! These are the stories that will vie for the Hugo and Nebula Awards this year. And we’ve got them all! Not ten. Not twenty. 25 GREAT SF TALES.
Each one is chosen by renowned SF writer and editor Gardner R. Dozois. Among them are “Black Air” by Kim Stanley Robinson, “Blood Music” and “Hardfought” by Greg Bear, “Blind Shemmy” by Jack Dann, “Cicada Queen” by Bruce Sterling and “Slow Birds” by Ian Watson.