“A great tribute to the indomitable spirit of America.”
“This is a must-read novel for all fans of military/geopolitical action books.”
A Dangerous Alliance
European Leftism. Chinese communism. Islamic Sharia law. Russian avarice.
The leaders of these radical and aggressive ideologies agree that long-held dreams of world domination can never be realized for one reason and one reason alone—America. In a secret meeting in Brussels, a plan surprising in both detail and probability of success is revealed.
A plan to put aside differences and form a temporary alliance.
A plan to destroy America.
A Devastating Weapon
Skepticism evaporates with the unveiling of a new weapon that strikes at the heart of American military might, negating traditional technological advantages.
America Stands Alone
Outnumbered and alone, America stands on the brink. To survive, a Great Generation of Americans will be needed.
But can America still produce greatness?
A Unique Perspective
W. H. Hawthorne was born and raised in Alaska at a time when it was far closer to the America envisioned by the Founders than was the rest of the country. He left his beloved Great Land to pursue a four-decade career designing high-tech robotics for DARPA, NASA, JPO, DOD, DOE, and others.
In The Very Last War, he fuses those experiences to bring to you a story of World War III inundated with realism and plausibility coupled with a fresh and surprising perspective on America.
And lots of really cool new weapons.