The Sapphire Goddess: The Fantasies of Nictzin Dyalhis

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At last, the stories of one of the most unusual writers of weird fiction are collected! This volume contains all of Nictzin Dyalhis’ works of fantasy and science fiction, many of which have never before been reprinted. Those who love the wild imagination and masterful prose of authors such as Clark Ashton Smith and C.L. Moore are sure to enjoy this collection.

Table of Contents:

When the Green Star Waned
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He Refused to Stay Dead
The Dark Lore
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The 8th Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK®: Frank Belknap Long (Vol. 1)

6 books of collected short stories from the golden age of weird tales for 1$ each!

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there’s another book with more Frank Belknap Long short stories  here