Prince of the City (vampire the masquerade)

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Prince of the City (vampire the masquerade)

prince of the city is a prequel to dark prince by the same author it is one the first novel set in vampire : the masquerade TTRPG universe

The Price of Power

At the height of the American Revolution, Virginia aristocrat Vannevar Thomas fell victim to a rogue vampire. The newly Embraced Vannevar was taken in by a secretive organization of vampires known as the Camarilla and sent to San Francisco in 1849. Here Vannevar found a newborn, vibrant city, ripe for the taking—but other powers also cast covetous eyes on the growing town.

Ascending to rulership of San Francisco’s undead, Prince Vannevar soon finds himself beset by enemies. Not only must the newly crowned Vannevar thwart the schemes of the mysterious Asian vampires known as the Family, he must contend with treachery among his own ranks. He is destined to learn that the price of power is steep indeed….

Dark Prince (vampire the masquerade)

Dark Prince (vampire the masquerade)

The first novel set in vampire the masquerade RPG universe by White Wolf published in 1994 and back in print in 2024 (on kindle actually)

The author also wrote a prequel : prince of the city

Vampire Cannibalism — The Ultimate Crime

Sullivan was a working stiff, a before-the-mast sailor, when he was taken in by the Family almost 150 years ago. They gave him immortality — and an undying hunger for human blood.

Since then, Sullivan has been on the prowl. And what better place for a night creature than modern San Francisco, its streets crowded with runaways, drifters, tourists, violent gangs, and nameless punks? Food is plentiful. Even food for the darkest hungers of the inhuman heart.

But San Francisco is more than just a hunting ground. Known as the Casablanca of the World of Darkness because it is home to so many competing vampire clans that have heretofore existed in relative peace, it is on the verge of becoming the locus for many schemes of immortals both within the city and beyond. And when Sullivan falls victim to their plots and is accused of diablerie, vampire cannibalism, he discovers how easily the hunter can become…the hunted.