Dead Hand

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Savage Wilderness

Savage Wilderness is a historical novel of the French and Indian War, recounting a time when British forces, joined by colonial militias, fought the French and their Indian allies for possession of the untamed heart of North American. It is Read more

Ghost (Paladin of Shadows Book 1)

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Dead Hand

When an unforeseen asteroid strikes Siberia with the force of a thousand Hiroshimas, it triggers Dead Hand, the ultimate defense mechanism developed by the Soviets at the height of the Cold War.

The missiles are pointing at the United States and its European allies, and ultra-nationalist General Likatchev is willing to use them as blackmail to topple the government in Moscow and return Russia to her status as world power.

When Russia responds to world queries with cold silence, a NATO special operations unit is dropped into Siberia. Trapped in a region ravaged by freezing snow and the hellish aftermath of the asteroid impact, the NATO forces are racing against time to track down Likatchev and dismantle Dead Hand before a global holocaust is unleashed.

Team Yankee: A Novel of World War III

During the second half of the Twentieth Century, East and West stood on the brink of war. No where was this more evident then in Central Germany, where ten thousand tanks belonging to NATO stood ready to resist a ground attack spearheaded by forty thousand Warsaw Pact tanks. It was a war that never was. But what if it had? How would the opening days of World War III played out?

Team Yankee, the New York Times best seller by Harold Coyle, presents a glimpse of what it would have been like for the soldiers who would have had to meet the relentless onslaught of Soviet and Warsaw Pact divisions. Using the geo-political and military scenarios described by General Sir John Hackett, former NORTHAG commander and author of ‘World War Three; August 1985’, Team Yankee follows the war as seen from the turret of Captain Sean Bannon’s tank.

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Pandora’s Legion: Harold Coyle’s Strategic Solutions, Inc

Pandora's Legion: Harold Coyle's Strategic Solutions, Inc

In this explosive new series from New York Times bestseller Harold Coyle and noted military author Barrett Tillman, a new type of war is being fought by private paramilitary companies at the beck and call of the highest bidder.

With the military and intelligence agencies spread thin, the US is constantly calling upon the services of these organizations–and Strategic Solutions Inc. is among the best.
Members of Al-Qaida have set in place a vicious biological attack. Men and women infected with the highly communicable and deadly Marburg virus have been sent to major cities and sensitive locations throughout the world in hopes of creating a deadly, global epidemic.

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Posing a frightening scenario that could become all too real in the near future, and filled with the details of the military world that have made Coyle’s books bestsellers, Pandora’s Legion hits the front lines of the new war against terrorism in this engrossing, high-stakes novel.

Savage Wilderness

Savage Wilderness

Savage Wilderness is a historical novel of the French and Indian War, recounting a time when British forces, joined by colonial militias, fought the French and their Indian allies for possession of the untamed heart of North American. It is also a story of the people who fought it.
Ian McPherson, a young Scott who first saw battle during the Jacobite Rising of 1745 is exiled to Virginia. There, after serving as an apprentice to a wheelwright, he joins a campaign led by a 23 year-old colonel of militia named Washington to claim the Forks of the Ohio for Virginia.
Anton de Chevalier, the bastard son of a French nobleman and an artillery officer is an impressionable young man who is an adherent to Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s philosophy concerning the natural man. In time, his experience in the Americas and dealings with both the French Canadians and Native Americans cause him to see the world as it is, a place where the stunning, unspoiled beauty of the land hides a savagery unlike anything he ever thought possible.
Thomas Shields, the second son of a minor English baronet and dedicated soldier of the King sells his commission in the Coldstream Guards for a captaincy in the 44th Regiment of Foot, one of two regiments being sent to America under General Edward Braddock.
A Caughnawaga brave by the name of Toolah rejects efforts by French priests to ‘civilize’ his people, choosing instead to follows the ways of his warrior ancestors in order to rid his peoples’ land of the Europeans and their ways.
A red haired Irish immigrant by the name of Megan O’Reilly who came to America as an indentured servant dreams of starting a new life in America with Ian McPherson, whom she meets and falls in love with.
Against the backdrop of a war fought on the fringes of civilization, each is face with challenges they must overcome. In doing so, they set in motion forces that, in time, give rise to a revolution and the birth of a new nation.

Until the End: A Novel of the Civil War

Until the End: A Novel of the Civil War

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While the Bannons deal with their struggles on and off the battlefield, the women they love are faced with their own desperate struggles. Mary Beth McPherson, amid the devastation that years of war have brought to Winchester, Virginia, strives to hold her surviving family together and somehow maintain their farm, all the while clinging to the hope the man she has grown to love will return.

In the North, Harriet Shields, daughter of a prominent New Jersey judge, sets aside the duty and dignity of her social class and, with Kevin’s full support, ministers to the needs of the wounded under conditions that try her resolve, her stamina, and often, her own faith.

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No Small Thing: A Novel of the American Revolution

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No Small Thing follows the men and women as they chart a path toward an uncertain future, from the sloops of Breeds Hill where rebel and regular engaged in a bloody test of wills, to a desperate gamble launched across the frozen Delaware River on Christmas day, 1776.

For Anthony Carter, a young blacksmith’s apprentice from Framingham, Massachusetts, the call to arms on the morning of April 19, 1775 was a chance to set aside his childhood and take his place among the men of his community as an equal.

The opportunity afforded Captain Anton de Chevalier by the French foreign minister to return to the Americas and report on the condition of the American army besieging the British at Boston is seized upon for reasons that are very personal.

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God’s Children (Nathan Dixon Book 1)

God's Children (Nathan Dixon Book 1)

Blessed are the Peace Keepers, for they will be called God’s Children.

[Matthew; 5:9]

It is from this Biblical saying that Harold Coyle has taken the title of his new novel, God’s Children. Yet peacekeeping is not child’s play. A tale of high-tech warfare set in near-future Slovakia, God’s Children is the story of the 3rd Platoon, C Company, 2nd Battalion of the 13th Infantry, and two young officers who try to keep a peace that is falling apart before their very eyes.

Simultaneously an action-filled adventure and a study of contemporary issues facing today’s soldier, this novel displays Coyle’s vast knowledge of military affairs through thrilling yet realistic scenes. Proving once again that Coyle is a master of military fiction, God’s Children is as timeless as war itself.