Aculeo & Amunet trilogy

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It’s 276 AD, in the Roman province of Aegypt.
And in a late summer night, the stars are coming right.
In the swamps of the Nile’s delta, after strange aeons the sleeping Isfet is about to wake.
Young and ambitious, Aegyptian princess Amunet is here to become the Bride of the God.
But she is not alone, as she descends in the depths of the lost temple: many are seeking the power of Betentacled Isfet to make it their own.
Sestus Aurelius Aculeo, centurion of the Second Traian Legion, is not one of them.
His problems are simple, their solution is equally simple.
But before the sun rises, Isfet will meet its Bride – and the problems of Aculeo & Amunet will become VERY complicated.

Sword & sorcery done the old way, Bride of the Swamp God is the first story in the adventures of Aculeo & Amunet.

The 3 book are not linked on amazon links :

Bride of the Swamp God

Lair of the White Ape

The Hand of Isfet