The four Planet of Adventure volumes chronicle Adam Reith's saga on the planet Tschai, under the amber glow of the star Carina 4269. Reith is a Terran first-in scout stranded on a planet which he learns is now occupied, after Read more
Derring-do on a world of primitive monsters! When Robert Grandon swapped bodies with a prince of the planet Venus, he was concerned only with the thrill and interest of living on a different world. But the situation he found himself Read more
Virgil Erath is on death row for a crime he didn‘t commit. But he gets a new beginning when he is mystically transported to a planet of hallucinatory landscapes, warring humanoid races, and a cloud-filled sky that has never seen the sun. Its inhabitants of this world call it Amtor–others have called it “Venus.”
Captured by a clan of winged warriors, Virgil is brought before the great Jong Kum Kloojong. But this “king of kings“ is under attack by a deadly terrorist sect, and Virgil may be his only hope of saving Amtor from an apocalyptic war.
In the Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs series, today’s authors innovate and expand upon Burroughs’ classic tales of wonder in truly wild fashion, even moving his characters and storylines outside the bounds of canon to alternate universes! Skies of Venus, the latest volume in the series, transports readers back to the mysterious, shrouded world of Amtor that was discovered by Carson Napier in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ classic novel Pirates of Venus, but this time to experience it through the eyes of an Earthman of the twenty-first century.
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