Mulgara: The Necromancer’s Will

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Mulgara: The Necromancer’s Will

How three fingers belong to one gnarled hand, so here do the tales to be told:

When Maecidion dies, the reading of the will is an outrage. Irion, the dead necromancer’s kin, watches as coveted heirlooms are given to his enemies. Himself no stranger to black magic, Irion soon embarks on a bitter skirmish to retrieve what should rightfully be his.

A composite novel: Tinged with traces of horror and humor, erotica and satire, the world of Mulgara plays host to an ensemble of dark characters. Not only necromancers, but grave robbers, thieves, and a bubbly witch, all caught in a web of friend or foe, and through their tales, Maecidion’s plan is ultimately revealed.

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