Given that about half of them are the start of a trilogy/series it means that
The dudesbooks library has now at least 2500+ books !
Along the journey the type of works added has expanded a little from the pure pulp adventures genre I was focusing on at the beginning and now includes a sizeable collection of things like grimdark fantasy, hard sf, historical fictions, military fiction and thriller.
For the curious the 1000th book is A Feast of Ambrosia: The Adventures of Bingor and Donalbain by Glenn Rahman published in 2023. (available on kindle unlimited)
Before that Glenn had among other things collaborated on Sorcery Against Caesar with Richard L. Tierney a collection of stories that were one of the inspirations for the Cthulhu Invictus campaign for the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game by Chaosium and mixing sword and sorcery, weird fiction in Roman times.
So that mean I still find plenty of new pulpish novels to add :)
The 999th was Theft of Fire: by Devon Eriksen a new selfpublished hard sf release I discovered on twitter, got a lot of nice reviews and is going to be my next read
I keep adding old stuff too : the next is Northwest Smith by C.L. Moore about the adventures of a space outlaw who “could be Han Solo’s grandfather” written by the author of the famous Jirel of Joiry the red-haired female warrior whose adventures appeared alongside those of Conan in weird tales magazine in the 1930s decades before red sonja.
If you know interesting new (or old) authors/books don’t hesitate to share them on the forum.