Prequel to The Lost Fleet series Jack Campbell returns to the world of the New York Times bestselling Lost Fleet novels with an action-packed military science fiction series that explores the founding of the Alliance...and the men and women who fought to Read more
Sometime in the twenty-third century, humanity went extinct, leaving only androids behind to fulfill humanity’s dreams. And, having learned well from their long-dead masters, they’ve established a hierarchical society—one with humanoid aristo rulers at the top and slave-chipped workers at Read more
Sent on an exploratory mission to the dead worlds of the Old Empire, Commander Jared Mertz sets off into the unknown.
Only the Old Empire isn’t quite dead after all. Evil lurks in the dark.
With everything he holds dear at stake, Jared must fight like never before. Victory means life. Defeat means death. Or worse.
If you love military science fiction and grand adventure on a galaxy-spanning scale, grab “Empire of Bones” and the rest of The Empire of Bones Saga today!