Date: 2010-2020
MainCategory: FANTASY
Types: duology, StandaloneNovel
Genre: General fantasy
Lenght: medium
Seriesize: .2
Author: Rob J. Hayes
Narrator: Schatzie Schaefers
Reception: LIttle known
Set in a new world of corruption, deceit and thievery; mixing magical fantasy and alchemy-punk with a healthy smattering of airshippery. “There comes a point in every thief’s life where one has to take stock of all that they have achieved.
We have stolen almost everything there is worth stealing: Prince Henri’s Jadefire ring, the Marquisse d’Bola’s collection of prized toy soldiers, Elize Gion’s Living Autumn, the very first airship schematic, and who could forget we definitely made off with Baron Rivette’s pride. The trick, I find, is not to break in. No. The trick is to convince the mark to invite you in.”
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