How Black the Sky: A Dark Fantasy Adventure (Hero’s Metal – Dark Fantasy Adventure)

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How Black the Sky: A Dark Fantasy Adventure (Hero's Metal - Dark Fantasy Adventure)

How Black the Sky

A young spellsword looking to prove his mettle stumbles on news of imminent doom. Falling in with legendary warriors from the Overland, Pierce heralds the coming attack from the hollow earth below.

His new friends are Gorgonbane. Once mercenaries, now heroes, they are the only thing standing between Overland and the horrid Monstrosities of the Underlord. His lust for power has reached its peak, but the coming invasion may not be exactly what it seems…

Pierce – a brash young man with rare blessings of strength and really bad news.

Axebourne – the fatherly berserker with infectious laughter.

Scythia – calm and motherly, her Circlet of Knowing reveals secrets.

Agrathor – a mighty spearman with an electric personality and a terrible skin condition.

Ess – Second only to the First Great Master of Convergent Reality Theory. Mysterious and alluring.

The Hero’s Metal universe:

The world of Chasmgard is a place with endless secrets and a strange cosmology. A deep red sun crawls across a canvas of black, and nobody remembers why. Landlocked by a depthless Chasm, Overland and the Underlands have always vied for power and land. In How Black the Sky, we join a band of legendary warriors who may just be at the end of an age.