The Drums of Chaos (Simon of Gitta Chronicles)

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You might want to start with the collection of short stories featuring Simon of Gitta written earlier by the same author


Escaped gladiator-slave Simon of Gitta returns to Judea — during the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth — on a mission to avenge the deaths of his parents, seeking revenge in blood against the Roman officials who committed the murders and sold Simon into slavery.

But as Simon travels the Holy Lands with his mentor Dositheus and their apprentices Menander and lione, they gradually become entangled in a complex occult plot designed to call down a monstrous alien entity to herald a new aeon on Earth. The mysterious time traveler John Taggart (from Tierney’s The Winds of Zarr) also becomes involved with Simon as their separate quests converge toward a common goal of saving all life on Earth from extinction.

But can a handful of travelers really thwart a covert scheme backed by the power of the Roman Empire? As the apocalyptic supernatural events slowly unfold, Simon and his allies are in a race against time to prevent the devastation of the world.

Using mystery cults and early Christian Gnosticism as his vehicle, with meticulously researched Roman history and Biblical scholarship, this is author Richard Tierney’s magnum opus: an epic Lovecraftian alternate history dark fantasy novel that features Tierney’s most famous characters, Simon of Gitta and John Taggart. This novel will appeal to fans of historical fantasy and sword & sorcery fiction in the vein of Robert E. Howard, and the elements of cosmic horror and the Cthulhu Mythos will satisfy many fans of H.P. Lovecraft.

Sorcery Against Caesar: The Complete Simon of Gitta Short Stories

These stories were one of the inspirations for the Cthulhu Invictus campaign for the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game by Chaosium. Enjoy sixteen stories combining superbly researched historical fiction with sword & sorcery and Lovecraftian horror.

This is a long-running series of stories (begun in the mid-1980s) by Tierney features Simon of Gitta, an escaped slave turned magician, roves the Roman Empire battling dark magic and demons, all the while pursued by Caesar’s soldiers.

Join Simon as he flees across the ancient world evading cultists and Legionaries, outwitting sorcerers and Centurions, and fighting gladiators and gods, even the deities of the Cthulhu Mythos. Yet all these foes cannot prepare him for his greatest challenge: the pursuit of his lost soul-mate Helen, a love so deep even death can’t stand in its way for long.

There is also a novel : The Drums of Chaos 


Renegade Swords

If you constantly crave tales of swashbuckling heroics and fiendish wizardry, Renegade Swords is for you! Eight fantastic tales have been selected for this anthology, each of them obscure or overlooked in some way. You don’t have to explore darksome crypts to discover incredible ancient treasures—you can find them in Renegade Swords!

Stories included:

“The House of Arabu” by Robert E. Howard
“Necromancy in Naat” (unabridged version) by Clark Ashton Smith
“The Woman of the Wood” (previously unpublished version) by A. Merritt
“The Slaughter of the Gods” by Manly Wade Wellman
“People of the Dragon” by Lin Carter
“The Pillars of Hell” by Lin Carter
“The Rune-Sword of Jotunheim” by Glenn Rahman and Richard L. Tierney
“Princess of Chaos” by Bryce Walton