In the Land of Time: And Other Fantasy Tales (Penguin Classics) by Lord Dunsany

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In the Land of Time: And Other Fantasy Tales (Penguin Classics) by Lord Dunsany

A new edition of the Fantasy Tales that inspired J.R.R. Tolkien and H.P. Lovecraft 

A pioneer in the realm of imaginative literature, Lord Dunsany has gained a cult following for his influence on modern fantasy literature, including such authors as J.R.R. Tolkien and H. P. Lovecraft. This unique collection of short stories ranges over five decades of work. Liberal selections of earlier tales—including the entire Gods of Pegana as well as such notable works as “Idle Days of the Yann” and “The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth”—are followed by memorable later tales, including several about the garrulous traveler Joseph Jorkens and the outrageous murder tale “The Two Bottles of Relish.” Throughout, the stories are united by Dunsany’s cosmic vision, his impeccable and mellifluous prose, and his distinctively Irish sense of whimsy.

Here published for the first time by Penguin Classics, this edition is the only annotated version of Dunsany’s short stories.

The King of Elfland’s Daughter

The King of Elfland's Daughter
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The King of Elfland’s Daughter is one of the most beloved fantasy novels of our time. Lord Dunsany, in his inventive, poetic style, tells the heartbreaking story of a marriage between a mortal man and an elf princess. This masterpiece has influenced some of our greatest contemporary fantasists, including Neil Gaiman, J.R. Tolkien, H.P. Lovecraft, Fritz Leiber, Ursula K. Le Guin, and C.L. Moore
It’s hard to overstate just how influential The King of Elfland’s Daughter has been to modern fantasy; particularly high fantasy, sword and sorcery, and high fantasy. Lyrical and dream like it takes us on a search for a fairy princess and the magic that man has always secretly craved. Masterfully written, poignant, and yet still full of exciting action and adventure.
It’s not simply the beauty of the language, the astute eye for character, the hint of humor, or even the spell of legendry and wonder, but Dunsany’s unique combination of all of the above.— Charles de LintA fantasy novel in a class with the Tolkien books.—L. Sprague de Camp

It could be the very best fairy story ever written.—Gahan Wilson

No amount of mere description can convey more than a fraction of Lord Dunsany’s pervasive charm.—H. P. Lovecraft

One of the greatest writers of this century.—Arthur C. Clarke