A Feast of Ambrosia: The Adventures of Bingor and Donalbain

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Skullsworn: Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne

Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne universe

Eight short stories featuring the two same character by Glenn Rahman

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Heir of Darkness


Romans have crossed the border into Germania and stolen Andvaranaut, the Ring of the Gods. Depending upon who possesses it and how it is used, it could let Rome conquer the world—or destroy the world altogether.

Osric, the son of a benign Germanic sorcerer, has entered Roman territory on a quest to reclaim the Ring and its destructive magic power.

But, unknown to Osric, the sorceress Frigerd has also come to Rome to steal the Ring for the evil Cult of Heid, who wants to use it to bring about Götterdämmerung and end the world—and Frigerd is willing to kill anyone who stands in her way.

Even worse, the Ring is held by none other than the Roman Emperor Tiberius, who wants to learn its secrets and exploit its power. To regain the Ring, Osric must penetrate the most heavily-guarded Imperial Palace in the world—and do it before Frigerd does.

In a search and chase that leads from the prisons and palaces of Imperial Rome to the desolate and dangerous Isle of Capri, the battle for Andvaranaut unfolds and then explodes. Who will live to see the day after… and will that day be worth living for?

If you enjoy historical fantasy, sword and sorcery, or adventure stories, then read Heir of Darkness today

Sorcery Against Caesar: The Complete Simon of Gitta Short Stories

These stories were one of the inspirations for the Cthulhu Invictus campaign for the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game by Chaosium. Enjoy sixteen stories combining superbly researched historical fiction with sword & sorcery and Lovecraftian horror.

This is a long-running series of stories (begun in the mid-1980s) by Tierney features Simon of Gitta, an escaped slave turned magician, roves the Roman Empire battling dark magic and demons, all the while pursued by Caesar’s soldiers.

Join Simon as he flees across the ancient world evading cultists and Legionaries, outwitting sorcerers and Centurions, and fighting gladiators and gods, even the deities of the Cthulhu Mythos. Yet all these foes cannot prepare him for his greatest challenge: the pursuit of his lost soul-mate Helen, a love so deep even death can’t stand in its way for long.

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Renegade Swords

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“The House of Arabu” by Robert E. Howard
“Necromancy in Naat” (unabridged version) by Clark Ashton Smith
“The Woman of the Wood” (previously unpublished version) by A. Merritt
“The Slaughter of the Gods” by Manly Wade Wellman
“People of the Dragon” by Lin Carter
“The Pillars of Hell” by Lin Carter
“The Rune-Sword of Jotunheim” by Glenn Rahman and Richard L. Tierney
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