Voidal trilogy by Adrian cole

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Sword & sorcery at its best — the first of the Voidal trilogy, assembling Adrian Cole’s sword & sorcery series for the first time.

And don’t miss Volumes 2 and volume 3, also available from Wildside Press.

Arminius, Bane of Eagles (War on Rome Book 1)

Arminius, Bane of Eagles (War on Rome Book 1)

Swords clash with ancient sorcery in this first volume of ADRIAN COLE’S epic alternative world trilogy.

Set in an alternative Romano-Celtic Europe, ARMINIUS, BANE OF EAGLES opens with the murder of young Claudius, 14 year old brother of Germanicus, during the last years of the reign of Augustus Caesar, ruler of the vast Roman Empire.

In this world, Arminius, the Germanic tribal leader and destroyer of three entire Roman legions in the Teutoburger forest, and Germanicus, ambitious Roman conqueror and potential heir to the Empire, avoid assassination attempts and set out on a course that will eventually see them clash in a war that will shake the foundations of their world.

Their battles and campaigns are brought vividly to life as history twists and turns down ever darker passageways, where sorcery and elemental forces collide with the Roman war machine, and the conspiracies of the Via Tenebrarum, a secret cult dedicated to the elder gods of Old Night and whose web enmeshes a world, weave a corrupt future for humanity.