The Emperor’s Gift (Warhammer 40K)

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The Emperor's Gift
Published: 2012-05-29

New to warhammer 40K universe? go there for a recommended reading order

The start of a new series featuring the Grey Knight Space Marines by Aaron Dembski-Bowden A young boy is recruited into the Grey Knights, and must hone his fledgling psychic talents if he is to join the hallowed and mysterious ranks of the Space Marine daemon hunters.

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Nights lords trilogy (warhammer 40k)

Night Lords
Published: 2014-06-10

New to warhammer 40K universe? go there for a recommended reading order

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Read it because
It’s an assured and confident second novel from Aaron Dembski-Bowden that kicks off one of the most acclaimed and beloved series in Black Library history – and it’s a chance to see the Long War from the Night Lords’ perspective!

Omnibus version here