Cormac mac Art is a character created by Robert E.Howard, a viking contemporary of king Arthur. He wrote 4 short stories featuring him but they were rejected by the magazines and rediscovered later by Richard L. Tierney who finished and published them.
Unfortunately they’re not on amazon however starting in 1975 Andrew Jefferson Offut wrote 6 novels featuring Cormac mac Art all available on amazon.
This one is the tird and the only available on kindle
A world shrouded in darkness…
For the first time in ebook, here is Andrew J Offutt’s iteration of Robert E. Howard’s character Cormac mac Art, the headstrong Irish Viking who roved and adventured during the time of King Arthur.
Having travelled far and wide, Cormac mac Art and Wulfhere Hausakluifr have finally imprisoned the undying sorcerer, Thulsa Doom. The two heroes suspend him from the mast the ship, finding it is the only way in which he cannot use his magic; but still, he lives.
Bas the Druid soon unveils a prophecy that may change that. They must find a crowned woman and place in her hands the skull of the undying wizard, if the mysterious curse is to be lifted.
All seems well as they set out to find this prophesied woman. But disaster strikes as the evil wizard, unable to escape his fate, vanishes into another dimension – taking the ship and his captors with him…