The Naked and the Deadly: Lawrence Block in Men’s Adventure Magazines

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The Naked and the Deadly: Lawrence Block in Men's Adventure Magazines

Lawrence Block’s “lost” stories, complete and uncut for the first time since their original publication!

The focus and subject matter of mid-century men’s adventure magazines (MAMs) could be wide-ranging, and versatile storytellers able to confidently navigate genres, approaches, and authorial voices found regular, lucrative work in their pages. Among those talented writers was a notable newcomer: Lawrence Block-though his initial pieces would see print under various pseudonyms.

Not the Lawrence Block you know, who is among the most widely read, respected, and celebrated writers of crime and mystery fiction in the world. A writer internationally read and internationally honored, upon whom The Mystery Writers of America bestowed the title of Grand Master. A writer with over 65 years of professional experience in damn near every kind of writing, whose essays, magazine columns, and non-fiction books focused on the art, craft, and business of writing have endured to inform generations.

Not that Lawrence Block.

Not yet…

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