The Heroic Legends Series – Conan

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The Heroic Legends Series - Conan

Capturing the electric short fiction energy that led Robert E. Howard to be one of the top fantasy writers of the century, with exclusive serialized eBook stories starring Conan, Solomon Kane, and more by many of today’s top writers in fantasy and sword-and-sorcery.

Awakening covered in blood, the sole survivor of a doomed raiding party, Conan sets out for the taverns, women, and ale of Trinnecerl. To reach the village, however, he must pass ruins scattered with the shattered helmets, broken blades, and bones of untold victims—as well as the hideous the creature that left them, the Lord of the Mount. Rapid-paced and bloody fantasy action written by Stephen Graham Jones, award-winning and New York Times bestselling author of The Only Good Indians.


this the first of 4 new conan short stories, they’re not linked together on amazon as a serie

you can find the other here

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