Abruptly transported from Earth to Talera, Ruenn Maclang must slash his way through a world of alien warriors and deadly beasts, where every move can result in death.
To stay alive and find his missing brother, Ruenn must quickly learn the discipline of sword and spear, and experience the bitter stench of battle. And he must uncover the many hidden secrets of Talera, a weird and wonderful world very different from our own.
A grand adventure in the tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs and Robert E. Howard.
CHARLES ALLEN GRAMLICH has written novels and stories of horror, science fiction, and fantasy, among many other genres. He lives and works in Louisiana. Watch for the second and third volumes in The Talera Cycle, available from the Borgo imprint of Wildside Press.
Serie of 5 Sword&PlanetĀ books not linked on amazon so i put them all here together (the last 2 are not available on kindle)