RHATS!: A Takamo Universe Novella (Muto Chronicles Book 1)

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RHATS!: A Takamo Universe Novella (Muto Chronicles Book 1)

Kerry Nietz, the award-winning science fiction author of Amish Vampires in Space and A Star Curiously Singing brings you RHATS!

As battles rage and allegiances shift, the Muto Frohic returns home an unlikely hero. Now rich beyond measure, fat from the spoils of conquest, he takes his place among the emperor’s honored champions. His symbol is raised over the Black Wall and his name inscribed into the Book of Remembrance. Yet Frohic’s heart is troubled. His destiny unfulfilled. For somewhere in the dark reaches of—

Who is writing this stuff? That isn’t how it is at all.

Frohic again. Listen, I got home to find squatters living in my family’s hovel and no clue as to where father, mother, and the rest of the family went. The only help I have is from someone I just met, and I half suspect she’s looking for a sire to start her own family. I don’t trust her, and I certainly don’t like her. Least, not like that.

Meanwhile, an old friend shows up with a fantastic offer. Lose years of my life on another scavenging mission! And this time we’re going to a part of the galaxy that no muto has ever seen. Much less returned from.

Did I mention there might be ants? Giant, ugly ants. Plus, a crew of lunatics. Always fighting or fussing.

If I survive, I might get to see my family again. Do I want that? Do I want any of this?

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