original hour of the dragon cover by Margaret Brundage for Weird Tales magazine
Table of Contents
As this site is at least partly dedicated to find new sword and sorcery novel lets start with the one with whom all started : Robert E. Howard
Here are all the Conan books available on amazon kindle by him and the later authors of conan novels/shorts stories
After howard death 2 other authors have published conan stories some based on unfinished howard text and other original : Lyon Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter :
Another author who wrote conan novels is Robert Jordan who later became famous for the Wheel of Time serie,contrary to howard who had to write short stories to get published in Weird Tales Magazine those are novels.
In 1979, Poul Anderson—winner of a staggering eight Hugo and three Nebula Awards—wrote what is regarded as one of the finest adventures in the canon of Conan
Featuring Belit the famous pirate queen
Conan the Rebel
Conan the barbarian and Belit, his raven-haired beauty, lead a band of savage pirates striving to free Belit’s people from the iron grip of an evil reptile god and its cruel minions. Striking at the heart of tyranny, Conan must break the chains of oppression before eternal darkness claims them all.

The same year Andrew J. Offutt published Sword of Skelos
Conan: Sword of Skelos
Conan the barbarian and Belit, his raven-haired beauty, lead a band of savage pirates striving to free Belit’s people from the iron grip of an evil reptile god and its cruel minions. Striking at the heart of tyranny, Conan must break the chains of oppression before eternal darkness claims them all.

Karl Edward Wagner who’s known for his own sword and sorcery hero Kane and has also penned a pastiche of another of howard hero : Bran Mac Morn
The road of king
Facing the gallows for defending his honor-by killing the captain of the guard-the mighty Conan jumps feet first into a rescue attempt of one of his fellow prisoners. When Conan learns his rescuers are the daring Rebels of the White Rose, he joins their blood-soaked insurrection.
But Conan’s struggles are only beginning, for the road to the throne is defended by the Final Guard–indestructible warriors made of stone. Conan must draw steel against these indomitable foes and pray that Krom will guide his blade both strong and true.

And now the recent conan stories
A new conan novel has been published recently (2022)
Blood of the serpent
By S.M. Stirling at 460p its a big one,available in kindle,paper and audiobooks
Conan the Barbarian, the world’s most famous fantasy hero, returns in an all-new novel tied directly to the famous works by his legendary creator, Robert E. Howard.
Set early in his life, Conan has left his northern homeland to cut a bloody swath across the legendary Hyborian Age. A mercenary, a soldier, a thief, and a pirate, he faces conquering armies, malicious sorcerers, and monstrous creatures—against which he wields only the sword held in his powerful grasp.

Also there is a new serie of short stories being written by various authors, finally some new sword and sorcery short fictions ! They cost 2$ each
The first three are available with 2 other scheduled
and the same team is behind a new Solomon Kane (another of Robert E. Howard’s heroes) short story, you can get it here
Conan: City of the Dead :
Two epics in one hardcover as Conan the mercenary faces hideously transformed wizards and undead creatures in action-packed fantasy combining Robert E. Howard’s trademark sword and sorcery with concepts straight out of Lovecraftian horror.
Combines the classic Conan and the Emerald Lotus with the all-new, original Conan and the Living Plague.The long-awaited follow-up to Conan and the Emerald Lotus brings John C. Hocking back to the sagas of the Cimmerian.
In Conan and the Emerald Lotus, the seeds of a deadly, addictive plant grant sorcerers immense power, but turn its users into inhuman killers.In the exclusive, long-awaited sequel Conan and the Living Plague, a Shemite wizard seeks to create a serum to use as a lethal weapon. Instead he unleashes a hideous monster on the city of Dulcine. Hired to loot the city of its treasures,
Conan and his fellows in the mercenary troop find themselves trapped in the depths of the city’s keep. To escape, they must defeat the creature, its plague-wracked undead followers, then face Lovecraftian horrors beyond mortal comprehension

And finally :
Novelization of the 2011 movie done by Michael A. Stackpole

There is some other (old) books and authors but at often exuberant price and not on kindle or audiobooks
edit : i just found 2 old novels put recently on kindle :
Conan the Champion
Stranded in the furthest northern reaches of Brythunia, Conan the Cimmerian pledges himself as the champion of the haughty, beautiful Queen Alcuina. Soon the mighty barbarian is enmeshed in a war with two kings, who want Alcuina’s lands, and the evil wizard Iilma, who plots to rule the entire northland and has his own foul designs on the queen’s body. From the blood-drenched snows of the Brythunian forests to the sorcerous Shifting Lands the battles rage. The dead rise to slay, and victory can only come from Conan the Champion.

Conan the Warlord
by Leonard Carpenter
In the ancient land of Nemedia, Conan of Cimmeria agrees to impersonate Baron Eihnarson’s son and heir in order to escape a foul prison cell–at least until he can escape completely, with a pouch full of gold. Calissa, the Baron’s sensuous daughter, has other plans for Conan, as does Evadne, the voluptuous rebel maiden. Palace intrigues swirl–poison in the cup and the assassin’s dagger in the dark–and Conan must lead the army of Diander against the Cult of the Snake, the demon which burns and slays all whom it does not concert to half-serpent slaves of an ancient evil. In mouldering tombs the dead Lords of Einharson stir, and rise to strike down any who would threaten their line.