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In Leppington, death isn’t always forever…

David Leppington has returned to the town of his birth to investigate the possibility of a job as a GP, and also to learn more of its history. Bearing the same name as the town, the Leppington family used to be prominent members of the community. But the clan has dwindled to a sole uncle who is more loner than town leader. In this small, isolated town, people are affected by a horrendous condition. It’s Quiet. Unassuming. A forgotten backwater. Yet beneath Leppington’s streets terrifying creatures stir.

Driven by an ancient passion that has become an obsession. United in their burning hunger. They share an unending craving that will leave them in a coma unless they consume blood. They are the Nosferatu. And they have the power to drain your will to resist. To drain it so utterly that you will cheerfully, gladly, eagerly surrender yourself to their sharp, brutal teeth. Then a terminally ill man plans an act of vengeance: to set the dead against the living, so that the whole world might experience the misery the townspeople have endured for years…

For fans of ‘Salem’s Lot and Norse Mythology,Vampyrrhic is a chilling horror-thriller that brings the well-known terror of vampires to the hitherto unspoiled lands of Northern England.