Date: 1970-90
MainCategory: FANTASY
Type: Trilogy
Genre: General fantasy
Lenght: medium
Seriesize: .3
Universe: Dungeons & Dragons/Forgotten Realms
Author: Douglas Niles
Narrator: Dara Rosenberg
The very first Forgotten Realms novel ever published—and an exciting introduction to the kingdom of Corwell in the Moonshae Isles
The evil beast Kazgaroth wages war against the peaceful balance of the Earthmother, goddess of the Isles of Moonshae. The beast’s relentless army of giant Firbolgs, dread Bloodriders, and other vicious creatures are a force to be reckoned with—and only young Tristan Kendrick, heir to the legacy of the High Kings, can stand in their way.
However, Tristan is more interested in hunting, drinking, and revelry than heroism, and the realms are in grave danger. Can Tristan rise to the mantel of his legacy to unite forces of good and to save his home from evil?