Rampant Loon Press is excited to announce our biggest and most ambitious project yet: STUPEFYING STORIES 23. Twelve new stories, covering a range of genres from contemporary horror, to urban fantasy, to science fiction so hard it clanks. Twelve authors, ranging from names you probably know and love already to new voices we believe you’ll be hearing a lot more from very soon. A nice balance of previous contributors and new friends; a good mix of lengths and tones, from a novelette set on a generation ship gone terribly wrong (“Outrider”) to the delightful little confection that is “Brimstone and Brine.”
Woe to the Hand, by Julie Frost
The Unicorn’s Companion, By Jamie Lackey
The Secret of Erin Stewart, By Terry Faust
Outrider, By Helen French
The Last Feast of Silas the Wizard, By Karl Dandenell
The Bird and Baby, By Allison Thai
The Worm’s Eye, By Tom Jolly
Magic with the Bones, By Beth Hudson
Eddie’s Upgrade, By Kevin Stadt
The Dead Barn, By Amy Caylor
They Call Me Charon, By Gary Pattinson
Brimstone and Brine, By Beth Powers
From magic to mystery to science fiction, from the mythic past to the dystopian future, here are twelve tales to chill, thrill, excite and amuse you. Always fresh and entertaining, never formulaic or predictable, Stupefying Stories is the terrific new reading you’ve been looking for!