Savage Realms Monthly Dark Fantasy Sword and Sorcery Adventure Magazine

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Quench your thirst for savage sword and sorcery action-adventure!

The masters of sword and sorcery fiction might be dead, but just because Robert E. Howard is no longer penning Conan tales doesn’t mean you have to go without your fix of axe-wielding barbarians, lusty wenches, and evil wizards! Literary Rebel is proud to bring you a whole new crop of monthly fantasy fiction by talented new authors. In this first issue: savages kidnap virgins for sacrifice, a slave escapes his bonds only to fall victim to royal machinations, treasure seekers find more than they bargained for, and a sword-wielding maiden does battle with a serpent lord.

Fans of Robert E. Howard, Lin Carter, Clark Ashton Smith, and Karl Edward Wagner will love this new fantasy fiction adventure magazine.

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