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The Men’s Adventure Quarterly is your source for all of the action, adventure and fun of yesteryear’s men’s adventure magazines. An offshoot of the pulp magazines of the 30s and 40s, the men’s adventure magazines were geared toward the returning soldier after World War II, Korea, and Viet Nam. They were jam-packed with the best commercial illustration by artists such as Norm Eastman, Al Rossi, Bruce Minney, Mort Künstler, Samson Pollen, James Bama and many others…

The lurid tales within were filled with adventure, excitement, thrills, chills, and sex. You could read tales of spies, guerillas, commandos, crime, cons, daring air aces, and menacing murder by noted authors like Don Honig, Walter Kaylin Don Pendleton, and even best-selling author Mario Puzo.

Each quarter, Men’s Adventure Quarterly collects some of the best stories and artwork for you to enjoy along with pinups and original articles on the men’s adventure magazine mayhem behind the scenes. Co-edited by Robert Deis, a noted expert and collector of men’s adventure magazines, and graphic designer Bill Cunningham whose Pulp 2.0 label has made its mark in the indie publishing space, The MAQ is their tribute to the men, women and stories that drove hundreds of thousands of readers to the newsstand every month.

The MAQ comes to readers in three formats: FULL-COLOR, NOIR, and DIGITAL REPLICA. The FULL COLOR edition is our stunning full-color tribute to the men’s adventure magazines of yesteryear. It is our prestige edition. The NOIR edition recreates the look and feel of the original Black & White magazines. The DIGITAL REPLICA edition is a full-color digital edition that mimics the page format of the magazines. Our goal is to bring you the thrills and chills of the men’s adventure magazines in whatever format you prefer. Be sure to check out the various editions when you search for THE MEN’S ADVENTURE QUARTERLY!

“This is a winner for anyone interested in vintage top notch men’s adventure fiction and the illustrations that accompanied them.” – Michael Stradford, author of Steve Holland: The World’s Greatest Illustration Art Model.

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